Genitals, Stigma, & Shame (or why camel toe needs to die in a fire)

I don’t know whether to blame lack of universal, accurate sex education in America, or the more general sex-negative and sex-phobic lens of mainstream American culture, but it seems to me that people don’t know what’s up with their genitals. Things having to do with genitals are largely seem as shameful, and hence too stigmatized […]

My SAR Experience (Told In Memes)

I recently had the opportunity to take a SAR – that is, a Sexual Attitude Reassessment. It’s generally a 10-12 hour-long workshop wherein an instructor guides the class through a series of sexual images and topics. The point is to prepare sexuality professionals (sex educators, counselors, and therapists) for all the varied sexual practices we’ll […]

Lady Business Vending Machines

What if we had women’s self-care kits available in vending machines in public restrooms? The Lady Business Self-Care Kit explores this idea, with smart packaging designed to be unobtrusive yet snappy. These kits would go beyond period supplies, into safer-sex supplies, pregnancy test kits, STI test kits, UTI relief kits, and more. This project is […]