Welcome to Sex Ed with Dr. Jeana —

I provide shame-free, accurate education about gender, sex, sexuality, and culture for adults including university students, medical and mental health professionals, individuals, and sex geeks of all stripes. With a background in folklore and narrative studies, I am especially attuned to how people use their words and bodies to tell the stories that shape their cultural identities. And I know how to use storytelling to empower ourselves by representing our life experiences in a new light.

I teach workshops, do relationship coaching, and write for academic and public audiences. I integrate sex ed topics into the college courses I teach in anthropology and gender studies departments. I research and teach about alternative sexuality communities like non-monogamy and kink/BDSM. And I think these communities provide not only fascinating, but also relevant, examples of consent-driven sexual practices, which just might benefit mainstream folks too.

Please have a look around my website, and feel free to get in touch if you have questions. Read my blog, subscribe to my email list, and check out the sex education resources I link to here.


Dr. Jeana